News:HTC One Android Lollipop update delayed

htc one m8 official
HTC has confirmed that some owners of its One (M7) and One (M8) smartphones will not be getting the latest version of Google Android on schedule.
The Taiwanese mobile-maker had committed to getting Android Lollipop on to all of its flagship devices within 90 days of receiving the code from Google.
However, it has now admitted that certain carrier versions have missed the deadline, which expired over the weekend.
“Despite everyone’s best efforts some carrier versions of the HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) will not meet our 90 day goal,” wrote Mo Versi, HTC’s vice president of product management, in an official blog post.
Versi suggested that Google’s oft-reported glitches with Android Lollipop were to blame for the slow rollout to HTC handsets.
Lollipop has been riddled with failings ever since it started hitting Nexus devices at the end of 2014, causing a raft of complaints from users.
Versi did not give a specific launch date for handsets to receive Lollipop, pledging only that HTC is "continuing to push hard to deliver Lollipop to all devices as near the 90-day mark as possible" but that "we are taking every precaution to ensure the rollout is right and we aren’t willing to compromise at your expense".
HTC has previously struggled with rolling out Android to its best phones. This time, however, it appears the blame is all Google’s.

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